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Lifestyle (2)

4 Ways to Avoid a Summer FOMO Budget Disaster

When the snow and cold subside and the sun finally comes out for more than one hour a day, it feels as if life is infinite. We no longer have to hide...

8 Step Summer Financial Checkup

It seems like when summertime hits, time slows down. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season are over, the taxes are complete and the vacation...

Teaching Children Financial Literacy

Parents share a lot of private things with their children in hope that the information will help them grow into successful adults. But there is one...

5 Ways to Manage Caregiver Stress

Being a caregiver can be rewarding, though it can come with a significant amount of stress. You can sometimes become so wrapped up in caring for your...

What to Do With an Inheritance

Whether you knew about the inheritance or not, it can be overwhelming to receive a lump sum of money or property. The key is to keep a level head...

Top Money Tips for Any Age: 20s, 30s, 40s Breakdown

Saving money doesn't have to be a mystery or a puzzle if you understand the principles behind it. While it may feel like a never-ending climb...

The True Cost of Dining Out and How to Become a Frugal Foodie

People often say that if you want to start saving money, stop eating out so much. With hectic schedules that can be much easier said than done. Sure,...

Avoiding Charity Scams

Are they trying to scam me?

Financial Check-Up for Nurses: 3 Common Challenges

Before we start with the post, we here at ANCHORY want to send out a huge thank you to all healthcare professionals. Thank you for your hard work,...